Wednesday, 20 April 2011

Chapter 10 and 11/12 Contrast - Old Brian vs New Brian

1) In Chapter 10, Brian refers to himself as a "City Boy".  Even though he's really hungry he is still thinking that eating bugs and raw eggs is kind of gross.  Even though there is no one around him to see or judge him, he is still concerned about what he looks like.  And when he sees the turtle tracks in the sand he thinks about the animal as playing in the sand even though he knows that animals are normally working, not playing because they have to to survive.

Contrast this to Chapter 11 and 12 and some of the ways Brian is thinking and acting more "instinctively" or more "primal" instead of such a "city boy".  Give some examples.  How does this attitude of working and thinking change Brian's success?

2) Often the themes in novels fall into one or more of the following categories:
    Man vs Man
    Man vs Nature
    Man vs Himself
Can you give an example of each of these from Hatchet?

3) Brian begins to really think instead of just survive.  He is starting to think creatively and invent tools and strategies.  Describe his thinking as he worked on his spear.

4) At the end of Chapter 12 Brian is back to feeling hopeless.  What happens that shakes the confidence he has been building back to reality? 

Thursday, 14 April 2011

Chapter 9 Thinking

Brian makes fire.  Describe what he learns are the most important things to making fire.

Why does Brian say he now has a friend?

What are some of the good things that will now be possible benefits to having fire? See if you can come up with at least 5 benefits.

Chapter 8 Reflection and Connections

1) This book makes me think of a couple of movies right away.  Watch these clips.  have you seen these movies?  What do you think of them?

What does this book remind you of? (movie, TV show, book etc)

2) Fire. Is Brian going about making a fire in the right way?  How would you do it?