Wednesday, 4 May 2011

Chapter 17 and 18 Deeper Thinking

1) Describe Brian's plan to get the survival pack from the plane and the steps he goes through to retrieve it. 

2) How do you think the survival pack would have changed Brian and his experience?

3) Describe your reaction to what has happened to the pilot.  What is Brian's reaction?

4)  Tell us about the last line in chapter 18, what do you think Brian is referring to?

5) The Hatchet.  It is not only the title of the book, but it is a symbol of how Brian feels, how he survives and how he grows and changes throughout the experience.  Explain how you think the hatchet is a symbol?

6) Pretend that the hatchet is a new product that you are marketing for a TV or radio ad.  What would you say about how great it is to sell it someone?

1 comment:

  1. 1) Fails to make a raft, makes a good raft, swims to plane, ties raft to plane, hacks at plane, drops hatchet, swims for hatchet, gets hatchet, hacks at plane........ again, looks in plane,hacks to make hole bigger,gets survival pack hehe
    2)He wouldn't be able to hunt
    3)He becomes grossed out and i laughed at him hahahahhahaha
    4)He's got the pack
    5)It's a strong noble thing.
    6)It can save your life.
