Sunday, 20 March 2011

Chapter 4 Connections

Here are some things from Chapter 4 that I'm sure you can connect to in some way.  Tell us a story about one of the following:
1) an injury (Brian is pretty badly beat up from the crash, describe his injuries and one you've had)
2) mosquitos (Brian calls them vampires.. everyone in Saskatchewan has mosquito stories!)
3) noise and silence (the noise of the city vs the quiet of nature or another situation about noise and quiet)
4) the secret (Brian remembers all the details of seeing the man and his mother... what memory do you remember so vividly?)

In a previous post I asked you about what the lake and spot he crashed looks like.  This chapter has quite a bit more detail.  Either describe in words or draw, scan and post a picture of what this spot looks like in your mind.

1 comment:

  1. I was watching my brother play baseball mosquitos were everywhere. Mom and i went to buy off. Put some on and then watched the rest of the game.
