Tuesday, 29 March 2011

Chapter 5 Deeper Thinking

A) Brian starts to realize that the plane crash and his being stranded IS real.  Until know it has felt like a story on the news or a movie.  Think of a story you have seen recently on the news.  What was the story?  How did it make you feel? How can you connect with it? Put yourself in the situation and describe what you would do in the circumstance of the news story.

B) Brian thinks about being rescued.  He is sure that it will happen soon.  Watch the following famous rescue stories and describe how you would feel if this was you or one of your family.
1) Baby Jessica who fell down a well in Texas and was trapped for 58 hours.
Baby Jessica
2) Chilean Miners rescued from a collapsed mine after 69 days.
Miner Rescue

C) Survival.  Brian does not have some of the basic needs for surviving the woods.  He doesn't have food, matches to light a fire, blankets for warmth etc.  What do you think would be the MOST important items for him to have with him in an ideal situation?  Make a Top 10 list.  What does Brian actually have with him that might be useful?

1 comment:

  1. 1b) If it was me, I would be very scared. I probably would not be able to survive, I would freak out. If I survived I would feel relieved and happy.

    2b) I would probably would have to make life altering decisions. I would miss my family and cry.

    c)1)machete to cut down trees and for a weapon
    2)flint to make fire
    3)gun to shoot dangerous animals
    4)blankets to keep you warm
    5)a friend to keep you company
    7)a working cell phone
    8)education and basic survival knowledge
    9)dog to help find food and keep me alert
    10)survival kit

    The hatchet,clothes and a watch would be the most useful things that Brian has on him.
